Added a stack of filters which can intercept data before it gets to
authorChris Jones <>
Sun, 01 Jan 2012 19:00:21 -0700
changeset 45 abf958bcc201
parent 44 dd6f5cc27d52
child 46 4a4530b8f622
Added a stack of filters which can intercept data before it gets to the app.
--- a/stream.go	Sun Jan 01 17:28:00 2012 -0700
+++ b/stream.go	Sun Jan 01 19:00:21 2012 -0700
@@ -293,6 +293,55 @@
+// Stanzas from the remote go up through a stack of filters to the
+// app. This function manages the filters.
+func filter(srvIn2 <-chan Stanza, cliOut2 chan<- Stanza,
+	filterOut <-chan <-chan Stanza, filterIn chan<- <-chan Stanza) {
+	defer close(cliOut2)
+	var srvIn1, topFilterOut1, topFilterOut2 <-chan Stanza
+	var cliOut1, botFilterIn1, botFilterIn2 chan<- Stanza
+	ch := make(chan Stanza, 1)
+	topFilterOut2 = ch
+	botFilterIn2 = ch
+	topFilterOut1 = topFilterOut2
+	srvIn1 = srvIn2
+	var botItem Stanza
+	var topItem Stanza
+	var ok bool
+	for {
+		select {
+		case newFilterOut := <- filterOut:
+			filterIn <- topFilterOut2
+			topFilterOut2 = newFilterOut
+			if topFilterOut1 != nil {
+				topFilterOut1 = topFilterOut2
+			}
+		case topItem, ok = <-topFilterOut1:
+			if !ok {
+				break
+			}
+			topFilterOut1 = nil
+			cliOut1 = cliOut2
+		case cliOut1 <- topItem:
+			topFilterOut1 = topFilterOut2
+			cliOut1 = nil
+		case botItem, ok = <-srvIn1:
+			if !ok {
+				close(botFilterIn2)
+				srvIn1 = nil
+				continue
+			}
+			srvIn1 = nil
+			botFilterIn1 = botFilterIn2
+		case botFilterIn1 <- botItem:
+			srvIn1 = srvIn2
+			botFilterIn1 = nil
+		}
+	}
 func handleStream(ss *stream) {
--- a/xmpp.go	Sun Jan 01 17:28:00 2012 -0700
+++ b/xmpp.go	Sun Jan 01 19:00:21 2012 -0700
@@ -73,6 +73,8 @@
 	// StartSession() returns.
 	Features *Features
 	roster map[string] *RosterItem
+	filterOut chan<- <-chan Stanza
+	filterIn <-chan <-chan Stanza
 var _ io.Closer = &Client{}
@@ -138,9 +140,13 @@
 	// Start the XMPP stream handler which filters stream-level
 	// events and responds to them.
-	clIn := cl.startStreamReader(xmlIn, cl.xmlOut)
+	stIn := cl.startStreamReader(xmlIn, cl.xmlOut)
 	clOut := cl.startStreamWriter(cl.xmlOut)
+	// Start the manager for the filters that can modify what the
+	// app sees.
+	clIn := cl.startFilter(stIn)
 	// Initial handshake.
 	hsOut := &stream{To: jid.Domain, Version: Version}
 	cl.xmlOut <- hsOut
@@ -189,6 +195,14 @@
 	return ch
+func (cl *Client) startFilter(srvIn <-chan Stanza) <-chan Stanza {
+	cliOut := make(chan Stanza)
+	filterOut := make(chan (<-chan Stanza))
+	filterIn := make(chan (<-chan Stanza))
+	go filter(srvIn, cliOut, filterOut, filterIn)
+	return cliOut
 func tee(r io.Reader, w io.Writer, prefix string) {
 	defer tryClose(r, w)
@@ -294,3 +308,13 @@
 	return nil
+// AddFilter adds a new filter to the top of the stack through which
+// incoming stanzas travel on their way up to the client. The new
+// filter's output channel is given to this function, and it returns a
+// new input channel which the filter should read from. When its input
+// channel closes, the filter should close its output channel.
+func (cl *Client) AddFilter(out <-chan Stanza) <-chan Stanza {
+	cl.filterOut <- out
+	return <- cl.filterIn