author Chris Jones <christian.jones@sri.com>
Sat, 28 Sep 2013 13:02:17 -0600
changeset 153 bbd4166df95d
parent 142 0ff033eed887
child 155 fdd637733628
permissions -rw-r--r--
Simplified the API: There's only one constructor, and it does everything necessary to initiate the stream. StartSession() and Roster.Update() have both been eliminated.

package xmpp

// This file contains support for roster management, RFC 3921, Section 7.

import (

// Roster query/result
type RosterQuery struct {
	XMLName xml.Name     `xml:"jabber:iq:roster query"`
	Item    []RosterItem `xml:"item"`

// See RFC 3921, Section 7.1.
type RosterItem struct {
	XMLName      xml.Name `xml:"jabber:iq:roster item"`
	Jid          string   `xml:"jid,attr"`
	Subscription string   `xml:"subscription,attr"`
	Name         string   `xml:"name,attr"`
	Group        []string

type Roster struct {
	get       chan []RosterItem
	toServer  chan Stanza

type rosterClient struct {
	rosterChan   <-chan []RosterItem
	rosterUpdate chan<- RosterItem

func (r *Roster) rosterMgr(upd <-chan Stanza) {
	roster := make(map[string]RosterItem)
	var snapshot []RosterItem
	var get chan<- []RosterItem
	for {
		select {
		case get <- snapshot:

		case stan, ok := <-upd:
			if !ok {
			iq, ok := stan.(*Iq)
			if !ok {
			if iq.Type != "result" && iq.Type != "set" {
			var rq *RosterQuery
			for _, ele := range iq.Nested {
				if q, ok := ele.(*RosterQuery); ok {
					rq = q
			if rq == nil {
			for _, item := range rq.Item {
				roster[item.Jid] = item
			snapshot = []RosterItem{}
			for _, ri := range roster {
				snapshot = append(snapshot, ri)
			get = r.get

func (r *Roster) makeFilters() (Filter, Filter) {
	rosterUpdate := make(chan Stanza)
	go r.rosterMgr(rosterUpdate)
	recv := func(in <-chan Stanza, out chan<- Stanza) {
		defer close(out)
		for stan := range in {
			rosterUpdate <- stan
			out <- stan
	send := func(in <-chan Stanza, out chan<- Stanza) {
		defer close(out)
		for {
			select {
			case stan, ok := <-in:
				if !ok {
				out <- stan
			case stan := <-r.toServer:
				out <- stan
	return recv, send

func newRosterExt() *Roster {
	r := Roster{}
	r.StanzaHandlers = make(map[xml.Name]reflect.Type)
	rName := xml.Name{Space: NsRoster, Local: "query"}
	r.StanzaHandlers[rName] = reflect.TypeOf(RosterQuery{})
	r.RecvFilter, r.SendFilter = r.makeFilters()
	r.get = make(chan []RosterItem)
	r.toServer = make(chan Stanza)
	return &r

// Return the most recent snapshot of the roster status. This is
// updated automatically as roster updates are received from the
// server. This function may block immediately after the XMPP
// connection has been established, until the first roster update is
// received from the server.
func (r *Roster) Get() []RosterItem {
	return <-r.get

// Asynchronously fetch this entity's roster from the server.
func (r *Roster) update() {
	iq := &Iq{Header: Header{Type: "get", Id: NextId(),
		Nested: []interface{}{RosterQuery{}}}}
	r.toServer <- iq