author Chris Jones <>
Thu, 29 Dec 2011 11:02:21 -0700
changeset 29 a456133ed0ac
parent 26 4d0a369079ce
child 30 a77fc342e013
permissions -rw-r--r--
Don't accept data on Client.Out until resource binding is complete. StartSession() won't do its work until after this happens. That means the app can call StartSession() and wait for it to return before checking Client.Jid.

// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors.  All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

// This file contains the three layers of processing for the
// communication with the server: transport (where TLS happens), XML
// (where strings are converted to go structures), and Stream (where
// we respond to XMPP events on behalf of the library client), or send
// those events to the client.

package xmpp

import (

// Callback to handle a stanza with a particular id.
type stanzaHandler struct {
	id string
	// Return true means pass this to the application
	f func(Stanza) bool

// BUG(cjyar) Review all these *Client receiver methods. They should
// probably either all be receivers, or none.

func (cl *Client) readTransport(w io.Writer) {
	defer tryClose(cl.socket, w)
	p := make([]byte, 1024)
	for {
		if cl.socket == nil {
		nr, err := cl.socket.Read(p)
		if nr == 0 {
			if errno, ok := err.(*net.OpError) ; ok {
				if errno.Timeout() {
			log.Printf("read: %s", err.String())
		nw, err := w.Write(p[:nr])
		if nw < nr {
			log.Println("read: %s", err.String())

func (cl *Client) writeTransport(r io.Reader) {
	defer tryClose(r, cl.socket)
	p := make([]byte, 1024)
	for {
		nr, err := r.Read(p)
		if nr == 0 {
			log.Printf("write: %s", err.String())
		nw, err := cl.socket.Write(p[:nr])
		if nw < nr {
			log.Println("write: %s", err.String())

func readXml(r io.Reader, ch chan<- interface{}) {
	if debug {
		pr, pw := io.Pipe()
		go tee(r, pw, "S: ")
		r = pr
	defer tryClose(r, ch)

	p := xml.NewParser(r)
	for {
		// Sniff the next token on the stream.
		t, err := p.Token()
		if t == nil {
			if err != os.EOF {
				log.Printf("read: %v", err)
		var se xml.StartElement
		var ok bool
		if se, ok = t.(xml.StartElement) ; !ok {

		// Allocate the appropriate structure for this token.
		var obj interface{}
		switch se.Name.Space + " " + se.Name.Local {
		case nsStream + " stream":
			st, err := parseStream(se)
			if err != nil {
				log.Printf("unmarshal stream: %v",
			ch <- st
		case "stream error", nsStream + " error":
			obj = &StreamError{}
		case nsStream + " features":
			obj = &Features{}
		case nsTLS + " proceed", nsTLS + " failure":
			obj = &starttls{}
		case nsSASL + " challenge", nsSASL + " failure",
			nsSASL + " success":
			obj = &auth{}
		case "jabber:client iq":
			obj = &Iq{}
		case "jabber:client message":
			obj = &Message{}
		case "jabber:client presence":
			obj = &Presence{}
			obj = &Generic{}
			log.Printf("Ignoring unrecognized: %s %s\n",
				se.Name.Space, se.Name.Local)

		// Read the complete XML stanza.
		err = p.Unmarshal(obj, &se)
		if err != nil {
			log.Printf("unmarshal: %v", err)

		// BUG(cjyar) If it's a Stanza, use reflection to
		// search for any Generic elements and fill in
		// their attributes.

		// Put it on the channel.
		ch <- obj

func writeXml(w io.Writer, ch <-chan interface{}) {
	if debug {
		pr, pw := io.Pipe()
		go tee(pr, w, "C: ")
		w = pw
	defer tryClose(w, ch)

	for obj := range ch {
		err := xml.Marshal(w, obj)
		if err != nil {
			log.Printf("write: %v", err)

func (cl *Client) readStream(srvIn <-chan interface{}, cliOut chan<- Stanza) {
	defer tryClose(srvIn, cliOut)

	handlers := make(map[string] func(Stanza) bool)
	for {
		select {
		case h := <- cl.handlers:
			handlers[] = h.f
		case x := <- srvIn:
			if x == nil {
			send := false
			switch obj := x.(type) {
			case *stream:
			case *Features:
			case *starttls:
			case *auth:
				send = true
			if !send {
			st, ok := x.(Stanza)
			if !ok {
				log.Printf("Unhandled non-stanza: %v",
			if handlers[st.XId()] != nil {
				f := handlers[st.XId()]
				handlers[st.XId()] = nil
				send = f(st)
			if send {
				cliOut <- st

// This loop is paused until resource binding is complete. Otherwise
// the app might inject something inappropriate into our negotiations
// with the server. The control channel controls this loop's
// activity.
func writeStream(srvOut chan<- interface{}, cliIn <-chan Stanza,
	control <-chan int) {
	defer tryClose(srvOut, cliIn)

	var input <-chan Stanza
	for {
		select {
		case status := <- control:
			switch status {
			case 0:
				input = nil
			case 1:
				input = cliIn
			case -1:
		case x := <- input:
			srvOut <- x

func handleStream(ss *stream) {

func (cl *Client) handleFeatures(fe *Features) {
	if fe.Starttls != nil {
		start := &starttls{XMLName: xml.Name{Space: nsTLS,
			Local: "starttls"}}
		cl.xmlOut <- start

	if len(fe.Mechanisms.Mechanism) > 0 {

	if fe.Bind != nil {

// readTransport() is running concurrently. We need to stop it,
// negotiate TLS, then start it again. It calls waitForSocket() in
// its inner loop; see below.
func (cl *Client) handleTls(t *starttls) {
	tcp := cl.socket

	// Set the socket to nil, and wait for the reader routine to
	// signal that it's paused.
	cl.socket = nil

	// Negotiate TLS with the server.
	tls := tls.Client(tcp, nil)

	// Make the TLS connection available to the reader, and wait
	// for it to signal that it's working again.
	cl.socket = tls

	// Reset the read timeout on the (underlying) socket so the
	// reader doesn't get woken up unnecessarily.

	log.Println("TLS negotiation succeeded.")

	// Now re-send the initial handshake message to start the new
	// session.
	hsOut := &stream{To: cl.Jid.Domain, Version: Version}
	cl.xmlOut <- hsOut

// Synchronize with handleTls(). Called from readTransport() when
// cl.socket is nil.
func (cl *Client) waitForSocket() {
	// Signal that we've stopped reading from the socket.

	// Wait until the socket is available again.
	for cl.socket == nil {

	// Signal that we're going back to the read loop.

// BUG(cjyar) Doesn't implement TLS/SASL EXTERNAL.
func (cl *Client) chooseSasl(fe *Features) {
	var digestMd5 bool
	for _, m := range(fe.Mechanisms.Mechanism) {
		switch strings.ToLower(m) {
		case "digest-md5":
			digestMd5 = true

	if digestMd5 {
		auth := &auth{XMLName: xml.Name{Space: nsSASL, Local:
				"auth"}, Mechanism: "DIGEST-MD5"}
		cl.xmlOut <- auth

func (cl *Client) handleSasl(srv *auth) {
	switch strings.ToLower(srv.XMLName.Local) {
	case "challenge":
		b64 := base64.StdEncoding
		str, err := b64.DecodeString(srv.Chardata)
		if err != nil {
			log.Printf("SASL challenge decode: %s",
		srvMap := parseSasl(string(str))

		if cl.saslExpected == "" {
		} else {
	case "failure":
		log.Println("SASL authentication failed")
	case "success":
		log.Println("SASL authentication succeeded")
		ss := &stream{To: cl.Jid.Domain, Version: Version}
		cl.xmlOut <- ss

func (cl *Client) saslDigest1(srvMap map[string] string) {
	// Make sure it supports qop=auth
	var hasAuth bool
	for _, qop := range(strings.Fields(srvMap["qop"])) {
		if qop == "auth" {
			hasAuth = true
	if !hasAuth {
		log.Println("Server doesn't support SASL auth")

	// Pick a realm.
	var realm string
	if srvMap["realm"] != "" {
		realm = strings.Fields(srvMap["realm"])[0]

	passwd := cl.password
	nonce := srvMap["nonce"]
	digestUri := "xmpp/" + cl.Jid.Domain
	nonceCount := int32(1)
	nonceCountStr := fmt.Sprintf("%08x", nonceCount)

	// Begin building the response. Username is
	// user@domain or just domain.
	var username string
	if cl.Jid.Node == "" {
		username = cl.Jid.Domain
	} else {
		username = cl.Jid.Node

	// Generate our own nonce from random data.
	randSize := big.NewInt(0)
	randSize.Lsh(big.NewInt(1), 64)
	cnonce, err := rand.Int(rand.Reader, randSize)
	if err != nil {
		log.Println("SASL rand: %s", err.String())
	cnonceStr := fmt.Sprintf("%016x", cnonce)

	/* Now encode the actual password response, as well as the
	 * expected next challenge from the server. */
	response := saslDigestResponse(username, realm, passwd, nonce,
		cnonceStr, "AUTHENTICATE", digestUri, nonceCountStr)
	next := saslDigestResponse(username, realm, passwd, nonce,
		cnonceStr, "", digestUri, nonceCountStr)
	cl.saslExpected = next

	// Build the map which will be encoded.
	clMap := make(map[string]string)
	clMap["realm"] = `"` + realm + `"`
	clMap["username"] = `"` + username + `"`
	clMap["nonce"] = `"` + nonce + `"`
	clMap["cnonce"] = `"` + cnonceStr + `"`
	clMap["nc"] =  nonceCountStr
	clMap["qop"] = "auth"
	clMap["digest-uri"] = `"` + digestUri + `"`
	clMap["response"] = response
	if srvMap["charset"] == "utf-8" {
		clMap["charset"] = "utf-8"

	// Encode the map and send it.
	clStr := packSasl(clMap)
	b64 := base64.StdEncoding
	clObj := &auth{XMLName: xml.Name{Space: nsSASL, Local:
			"response"}, Chardata:
	cl.xmlOut <- clObj

func (cl *Client) saslDigest2(srvMap map[string] string) {
	if cl.saslExpected == srvMap["rspauth"] {
		clObj := &auth{XMLName: xml.Name{Space: nsSASL, Local:
		cl.xmlOut <- clObj
	} else {
		clObj := &auth{XMLName: xml.Name{Space: nsSASL, Local:
				"failure"}, Any:
			&Generic{XMLName: xml.Name{Space: nsSASL,
				Local: "abort"}}}
		cl.xmlOut <- clObj

// Takes a string like `key1=value1,key2="value2"...` and returns a
// key/value map.
func parseSasl(in string) map[string]string {
	re := regexp.MustCompile(`([^=]+)="?([^",]+)"?,?`)
	strs := re.FindAllStringSubmatch(in, -1)
	m := make(map[string]string)
	for _, pair := range(strs) {
		key := strings.ToLower(string(pair[1]))
		value := string(pair[2])
		m[key] = value
	return m

// Inverse of parseSasl().
func packSasl(m map[string]string) string {
	var terms []string
	for key, value := range(m) {
		if key == "" || value == "" || value == `""` {
		terms = append(terms, key + "=" + value)
	return strings.Join(terms, ",")

// Computes the response string for digest authentication.
func saslDigestResponse(username, realm, passwd, nonce, cnonceStr,
	authenticate, digestUri, nonceCountStr string) string {
	h := func(text string) []byte {
		h := md5.New()
		return h.Sum()
	hex := func(bytes []byte) string {
		return fmt.Sprintf("%x", bytes)
	kd := func(secret, data string) []byte {
		return h(secret + ":" + data)

	a1 := string(h(username + ":" + realm + ":" + passwd)) + ":" +
		nonce + ":" + cnonceStr
	a2 := authenticate + ":" + digestUri
	response := hex(kd(hex(h(a1)), nonce + ":" +
		nonceCountStr + ":" + cnonceStr + ":auth:" +
	return response

// Send a request to bind a resource. RFC 3920, section 7.
func (cl *Client) bind(bind *Generic) {
	res := cl.Jid.Resource
	msg := &Iq{Type: "set", Id: cl.NextId(), Any:
		&Generic{XMLName: xml.Name{Space: nsBind, Local:
	if res != "" {
		msg.Any.Any = &Generic{XMLName: xml.Name{Local:
				"resource"}, Chardata: res}
	f := func(st Stanza) bool {
		if st.XType() == "error" {
			log.Println("Resource binding failed")
			return false
		bind := st.XChild()
		if bind == nil {
			log.Println("nil resource bind")
			return false
		jidEle := bind.Any
		if jidEle == nil {
			log.Println("nil resource")
			return false
		jidStr := jidEle.Chardata
		if jidStr == "" {
			log.Println("empty resource")
			return false
		jid := new(JID)
		if !jid.Set(jidStr) {
			log.Println("Can't parse JID %s", jidStr)
			return false
		cl.Jid = *jid
		log.Printf("Bound resource: %s", cl.Jid.String())
		return false
	cl.HandleStanza(msg.Id, f)
	cl.xmlOut <- msg

// Register a callback to handle the next XMPP stanza (iq, message, or
// presence) with a given id. The provided function will not be called
// more than once. If it returns false, the stanza will not be made
// available on the normal Client.In channel.
func (cl *Client) HandleStanza(id string, f func(Stanza) bool) {
	h := &stanzaHandler{id: id, f: f}
	cl.handlers <- h