author Chris Jones <christian.jones@sri.com>
Fri, 28 Dec 2012 17:07:20 -0700
changeset 114 a058e33c1666
parent 113 bee6cc131798
child 116 5c6d6d51d3ba
permissions -rw-r--r--
Updated for the latest revision of the encoding/xml fixes: The context object owned by Encoder and Decoder isn't directly accessible. Also improved the output from the two assert functions to show the info of the caller rather than the assert function itself.

// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors.  All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

// This package implements a simple XMPP client according to RFCs 3920
// and 3921, plus the various XEPs at http://xmpp.org/protocols/.
package xmpp

import (

const (
	// Version of RFC 3920 that we implement.
	Version = "1.0"

	// Various XML namespaces.
	NsClient  = "jabber:client"
	NsStreams = "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-streams"
	NsStream  = "http://etherx.jabber.org/streams"
	NsTLS     = "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-tls"
	NsSASL    = "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl"
	NsBind    = "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-bind"
	NsSession = "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-session"
	NsRoster  = "jabber:iq:roster"

	// DNS SRV names
	serverSrv = "xmpp-server"
	clientSrv = "xmpp-client"

// This channel may be used as a convenient way to generate a unique
// id for an iq, message, or presence stanza.
var Id <-chan string

func init() {
	// Start the unique id generator.
	idCh := make(chan string)
	Id = idCh
	go func(ch chan<- string) {
		id := int64(1)
		for {
			str := fmt.Sprintf("id_%d", id)
			ch <- str

// Extensions can add stanza filters and/or new XML element types.
type Extension struct {
	StanzaHandlers map[string]func(*xml.Name) interface{}
	Start          func(*Client)

// Allows the user to override the TLS configuration.
var TlsConfig tls.Config

// The client in a client-server XMPP connection.
type Client struct {
	// This client's unique ID. It's unique within the context of
	// this process, so if multiple Client objects exist, each
	// will be distinguishable by its Uid.
	Uid string
	// This client's JID. This will be updated asynchronously by
	// the time StartSession() returns.
	Jid          JID
	password     string
	socket       net.Conn
	socketSync   sync.WaitGroup
	saslExpected string
	authDone     bool
	handlers     chan *stanzaHandler
	inputControl chan int
	// Incoming XMPP stanzas from the server will be published on
	// this channel. Information which is only used by this
	// library to set up the XMPP stream will not appear here.
	In <-chan Stanza
	// Outgoing XMPP stanzas to the server should be sent to this
	// channel.
	Out    chan<- Stanza
	xmlOut chan<- interface{}
	// Features advertised by the remote. This will be updated
	// asynchronously as new features are received throughout the
	// connection process. It should not be updated once
	// StartSession() returns.
	Features  *Features
	filterOut chan<- <-chan Stanza
	filterIn  <-chan <-chan Stanza

// Connect to the appropriate server and authenticate as the given JID
// with the given password. This function will return as soon as a TCP
// connection has been established, but before XMPP stream negotiation
// has completed. The negotiation will occur asynchronously, and any
// send operation to Client.Out will block until negotiation (resource
// binding) is complete.
func NewClient(jid *JID, password string, exts []Extension) (*Client, error) {
	// Include the mandatory extensions.
	exts = append(exts, rosterExt)
	exts = append(exts, bindExt)

	// Resolve the domain in the JID.
	_, srvs, err := net.LookupSRV(clientSrv, "tcp", jid.Domain)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errors.New("LookupSrv " + jid.Domain +
			": " + err.Error())

	var tcp *net.TCPConn
	for _, srv := range srvs {
		addrStr := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", srv.Target, srv.Port)
		addr, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp", addrStr)
		if err != nil {
			err = fmt.Errorf("ResolveTCPAddr(%s): %s",
				addrStr, err.Error())
		tcp, err = net.DialTCP("tcp", nil, addr)
		if err != nil {
			err = fmt.Errorf("DialTCP(%s): %s",
				addr, err)
	if tcp == nil {
		return nil, err

	cl := new(Client)
	cl.Uid = <-Id
	cl.password = password
	cl.Jid = *jid
	cl.socket = tcp
	cl.handlers = make(chan *stanzaHandler, 100)
	cl.inputControl = make(chan int)

	extStanza := make(map[string]func(*xml.Name) interface{})
	for _, ext := range exts {
		for k, v := range ext.StanzaHandlers {
			extStanza[k] = v

	// Start the transport handler, initially unencrypted.
	tlsr, tlsw := cl.startTransport()

	// Start the reader and writers that convert to and from XML.
	xmlIn := startXmlReader(tlsr, extStanza)
	cl.xmlOut = startXmlWriter(tlsw)

	// Start the XMPP stream handler which filters stream-level
	// events and responds to them.
	stIn := cl.startStreamReader(xmlIn, cl.xmlOut)
	clOut := cl.startStreamWriter(cl.xmlOut)
	cl.Out = clOut

	// Start the manager for the filters that can modify what the
	// app sees.
	clIn := cl.startFilter(stIn)
	cl.In = clIn

	// Add filters for our extensions.
	for _, ext := range exts {

	// Initial handshake.
	hsOut := &stream{To: jid.Domain, Version: Version}
	cl.xmlOut <- hsOut

	return cl, nil

func (cl *Client) startTransport() (io.Reader, io.WriteCloser) {
	inr, inw := io.Pipe()
	outr, outw := io.Pipe()
	go cl.readTransport(inw)
	go cl.writeTransport(outr)
	return inr, outw

func startXmlReader(r io.Reader,
extStanza map[string]func(*xml.Name) interface{}) <-chan interface{} {
	ch := make(chan interface{})
	go readXml(r, ch, extStanza)
	return ch

func startXmlWriter(w io.WriteCloser) chan<- interface{} {
	ch := make(chan interface{})
	go writeXml(w, ch)
	return ch

func (cl *Client) startStreamReader(xmlIn <-chan interface{}, srvOut chan<- interface{}) <-chan Stanza {
	ch := make(chan Stanza)
	go cl.readStream(xmlIn, ch)
	return ch

func (cl *Client) startStreamWriter(xmlOut chan<- interface{}) chan<- Stanza {
	ch := make(chan Stanza)
	go writeStream(xmlOut, ch, cl.inputControl)
	return ch

func (cl *Client) startFilter(srvIn <-chan Stanza) <-chan Stanza {
	cliIn := make(chan Stanza)
	filterOut := make(chan (<-chan Stanza))
	filterIn := make(chan (<-chan Stanza))
	nullFilter := make(chan Stanza)
	go filterBottom(srvIn, nullFilter)
	go filterTop(filterOut, filterIn, nullFilter, cliIn)
	cl.filterOut = filterOut
	cl.filterIn = filterIn
	return cliIn

func tee(r io.Reader, w io.Writer, prefix string) {
	defer func(w io.Writer) {
		if c, ok := w.(io.Closer); ok {

	buf := bytes.NewBuffer([]uint8(prefix))
	for {
		var c [1]byte
		n, _ := r.Read(c[:])
		if n == 0 {
		n, _ = w.Write(c[:n])
		if n == 0 {
		if c[0] == '\n' || c[0] == '>' {
			buf = bytes.NewBuffer([]uint8(prefix))
	leftover := buf.String()
	if leftover != "" {

// bindDone is called when we've finished resource binding (and all
// the negotiations that precede it). Now we can start accepting
// traffic from the app.
func (cl *Client) bindDone() {
	cl.inputControl <- 1

// Start an XMPP session. A typical XMPP client should call this
// immediately after creating the Client in order to start the
// session, retrieve the roster, and broadcast an initial
// presence. The presence can be as simple as a newly-initialized
// Presence struct.  See RFC 3921, Section 3.
func (cl *Client) StartSession(getRoster bool, pr *Presence) error {
	id := <-Id
	iq := &Iq{Header: Header{To: cl.Jid.Domain, Id: id, Type: "set",
		Nested: []interface{}{Generic{XMLName:
			xml.Name{Space: NsSession, Local: "session"}}}}}
	ch := make(chan error)
	f := func(st Stanza) bool {
		iq, ok := st.(*Iq)
		if !ok {
			Warn.Log("iq reply not iq; can't start session")
			ch <- errors.New("bad session start reply")
			return false
		if iq.Type == "error" {
			Warn.Logf("Can't start session: %v", iq)
			ch <- iq.Error
			return false
		ch <- nil
		return false
	cl.HandleStanza(id, f)
	cl.Out <- iq

	// Now wait until the callback is called.
	if err := <-ch; err != nil {
		return err
	if getRoster {
		err := fetchRoster(cl)
		if err != nil {
			return err
	if pr != nil {
		cl.Out <- pr
	return nil

// AddFilter adds a new filter to the top of the stack through which
// incoming stanzas travel on their way up to the client. The new
// filter's output channel is given to this function, and it returns a
// new input channel which the filter should read from. When its input
// channel closes, the filter should close its output channel.
func (cl *Client) AddFilter(out <-chan Stanza) <-chan Stanza {
	cl.filterOut <- out
	return <-cl.filterIn